Sunday, September 02, 2007

Down time at Story's phat pad...

Saturday was a bit slow because of the high energy activities since my arrival. After returning to Story's house from wakeboarding around 2:30pm, I met up with Monica, Karen, and Victor. We kicked it for a minute watching movies, catching up, and napping. We strolled by the beach to catch the sun down and do some body surfing. Came back to the house and showered up for dinner. Michelle got in as well and we all headed over to Story's new restaurant in San Marcos. An extension of his families' Cocina del Charro, it's been Story's primary focus for the past 30 days. The place looked great and the food was delicious. We had such a yummy time that it got too late to hit any clubs or bars. We did a beer run on our way back and just chilled.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Forty Duece

Spent Labor Day weekend on the west coast this year. The motivation revolved around visiting my buddy Vuctor who was getting transferred to San Diego with the Navy. I landed in LA and got picked up by him and Berto. The flight itself was an interesting one with a scandalous twist so I had plenty to talk about in the car. Without missing a beat we headed over to Forty Duece on Melrose. An interesting lil bar in Hollywood, it definitely had LA personality. They had a sweet DJ dropping fresh hip-hop most of the night but the highlight was the 3 piece jazz band and burlesque dancer that briefly broke the monotony every hour. The dancer combined sexy moves, impressive acrobatics and a cute flirtation with the band to hypnotize the audience. We had a good time loading up on drinks and meeting the locals. After leaving we swung by taco bell on our way to Berto's place in Studio City. I had a missed call and VM from Story telling me that his roommate, Paul, was going wakeboarding Saturday morning rather than Sunday. So I convinced Victor to drive down to San Diego right then. A risky proposition given we were tired and there was nothing quick about a 2 hour drive. I had been feening to try out the Amon's Air Nautique boat since my previous visit when I was nursing a sprained ankle. So I took on the chore of driving. I pulled it off but not without drawing a stop from the CHP. Still under debate as to the root cause, we were cited for a burnt out headlight. Vic seems to think that I was swerving between lanes but whatever, ;) We got in at 6am to Story's place in Pacific Beach. Vic opted out of the wakeboarding whereas I slept for an hour before heading out to the bay by Coronado Island. It was a great day of trying tantrums with coaching from Rodrigo, a cool Mexican dude that joined Paul, Mike, and I on the boat.

I still got it.

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