Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Weekend in Munich
People all over we chanting "Berlin, Berlin, wir fahren nach Berlin!!" ... translates to "Berlin, Berlin, we're going to Berlin!!" claiming that they will be in the finals. The culture is a strong one, and quite different from mine. Structured and conservative in most areas but liberal in some random below, a girl carying a guy on her back...I was like, DANG!!!
After pransing around Leopold street with the Germans we found refuge at the Hallhurer Bar to watch the Argentina vs Mexico game. I great spot that played reggaeton during the evolved into a total party scene with a Turkish drumming group showing up thereafter.
Although the language barrier was difficult to overcome at times, it was pleasing to meet several people with a working knowledge of english. It was inevitable that I would come across as the ignorant american no matter how hard I tried to avoid it.
Our host and bomb-diggity Venezuelan pana, Michael aka el Cocker, did an AWESOME job to show us the best time in Munich. Seriously, this kid is outstanding and I can't thank him enough...I just wish to be able to host him at some point in my life. It would be an honor.
It's funny to see how people get going to the club on your bicycle... :) My friend Larrence (French), showed me her styling ride and granted me a free joy ride...I'd still opt for my scooter though. HA!
Today, we watched the England vs. Ecuador game at the Fan fest in the Munich Olympic Park. It was a dull game and the hooligans left a lot of cheering to be desired, but at least I got a tan.
The final outcome brought a bit of prancing and some wild one running around but that was the end of it. We broke out and headed back to Leopold street to enjoy some fine Bavarian cuisine at the Haufbrahaus. Having met up with Story and his cousin Enrique, we caught the AWESOME Portugal vs Holland game on the big screen. It was a nail bitting match with a lot of great plays and crucial moments. I'm so glad Portugal pulled out the win and look forward to following them next game.
We bought our train tickets to Prague for tomorrow morning at 6:45am...right now it's about 3am and I'm definitely ready for bed. The Eastern European tour begin tomorrow and I need all my strength to make it a good one. The plan is to meet up with Ovidio at 2:30pm in the Prague train station and watch the Italy game. Doing the touisty stuff might be a little compromised to to football...but since it will be five of us, perhaps we can split up...
Saturday, June 24, 2006
World Cup Game: Brazil vs. Japan
As a true testament to my vow to post daily, I'm typing away with my last once of energy; nevertheless, expect this to be brief. Roberto and I have just arrived to Munich via our original flight my plan worked out better than I expected. Yesterday was full of excitement and thus with little sleep. After gathering ourselves and figuring out how to work the train system from Dusseldorf, we made it to Dortmund and the Brazil vs Japan game.
It was sheer pandimonium all over town, with a neet red carpet that led from the train station to the stadium. Having stored all our belongings at the train station, we were free to roam. The strong German beer took it's toll on our state of mind given our empty stomachs, so it was a fun time. We scalped 3 tickets at about 200euros/ea from a cool Afgani outside the was a lil shady since cops were cracking down on the activity.
Once inside it was clear how easy you could move around, so we basically saw the game from great Category 1 seats overlooking midfield. A great game ending 4-1 Brazil, we were ecstatic.We continued the party at a downtown bar called Alex. It was popping with old sckool Hip-Hop, Latino, Rock..everything really. We had a blast a completely forgot about making any lodging arangements, :)
So we knocked out for a few hours in the cold ass train station with a good 100 other people. We left Ercole at 10am to his 5hr train ride to Munich while we headed to the airport. Right now it's 4:30pm and we're right on track to meet him at the Munich Central Station. Hopefully, he arrives without delay cuz I'm tired and want to catch some good Z's already.
Arriving in Dusseldorf, Germany
I've just touched down in Dusseldorf on my direct flight from Miami. As I was the first one of the group to arrive, I orchastrated a fine plan to gather Roberto and Ercole from their respective flight. Ongoing access to the web and text messaging was key in this plight. We were able to change our Munich flight to tomorrow, but because Berto opted for checking in his bag in Los Angeles, we've been waiting for a couple hours now trying to find it. It seems that the bag has continued on to Munich and so he is arranging for it's storage there until tomorrow. The S-bahn to Dortmund will cost us 5euros each and leaves every 30mins. I overheard some Brazilians talking about how much they paid to scalp tickets for the Brazil vs. Australia game...300euros/ea. Ouch! Hopefully, we can get them for cheaper against Japan, but even at that price I would take them. Ercole will continue on to Kaiserslautern tomorrow to try and catch the Spain vs. Suadi game, whereas Berto and I will most likely continue straight to Munich, arriving at noon or so. The issue of where we plan to sleep tonight is still not discussed. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking we'll leave our bags in a locker at the train station in Dortmund and party it up until tomorrow. Donno, we'll see.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Rocking Rocco

Feeling the love...

And so it's my 32 birthday and boy was it a great one. Starting it off was the arrival of Mami from Chile at the beginning of the month (June 2006). She doesn't visit that often, so it is cool to have her around. One slight mishap though was my absence at Havasu this year. Although she proly wouldn't admit it, I know skippin out to the lake that never sleeps would've been a total buzz kill for her. I got a lot of heat from the Go Dude brotha-hood and even risked missing Vic before a neverending term at sea. Graciously it wasn't so, but I'll admit they had me on edge.
Due to a missing child report sent out indirectly by Berto's mom, I called the boys up to make sure everything was ok. In the exchange I heard what were the receding waters of a tidal wave of love coming my way. Havasu stories were funny as ever, culminating with the announcement of Rod's engadgement...(I plan on making his wedding experience as seamless as ever). Their comments like "we woulda subsidized your trip" and "we voted you off the crew", were all small torture trips of my missing out. But one subtle P.S. brought it all back to love...from Joser: "P.S. So that you can't say that we forget about you. Happy 32nd Birthday." It turned everything around for me...transforming what seemed to be a collection of Grundy hating into clear messages that I was with them in spirit throughout the trip...that's priceless indeed. I'm still looking forward to the Rod's Famous Havasu of everyone's favorite renditions of the traditional trip.
From my end of the country I spent my days building up to June 13, planning a day at the beach...going all out to gather the best of my south florida peoples. I must have gone to Target like 8 times exchanging and stocking up on supplies for an Evite list of close to 50 people. Then the rain came (and the wind) about the ultimate disaster. I had preplanned for the bad weather (given Tropical Storm Alberto knocking on our door), so I had a sturdy gazebo to protect the munitions. Being the only ones at the beach along with Mami, my borther Mark, cunada Kim, and sobrinos Jonah and Ryan, it was certain that the life gaurds' evacutation alert due to lightning threats was aimed directly at us, :) So we gathered the soppinng sand covered gear and headed home in shame.
Plan B's execution was impecable...rerouting the group to Lucky Strike for a day of bowling took surprisingly little effort, thanks to Jeff and Ovi. We the hours chatting between gutter balls and drinks, all while watching the World Cup matches and the Miami Heat ass-wooping...
Then came the 13th...a Tuesday...another day or surprises. Ovi gets the win on the first one to grant me best wishes...then a flurry of emails, ecards, text messages and phone calls showered my day...a few random folks definitely caught me off gaurd, never expecting them to be aware of what the day meant to me or to get me something. I really felt special and I thank them all for it...including those reading this post, :)
The crazy part it that as satisfied as I was, there was more. Mami se paso...organizo y implemento una cena de compleanos que fue espectacular. Uno de los pocos cumpleanos como adulto que he disfrutado con la compania de tanta familia. It was awesome really, Tia Ani, Mami, Alan (hermano), Mark (hermano), Kim (cunanda), el Negro (Orlando), y yo. La pasamos conversando y hechando bromas toda la noche. They almost got away without me snagging a picture, but on my day I wouldn't allow it.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Palo de Agua!
The day of the wedding reception was full of activities and many that I can't possibly cover them all here as vividly as I remember them. I will try, however. The day started slow, with a 9am early rise to hit the gym and the pool. Great chats with the grooms' parents and friends resulted in precious laughs. Being the most outspoken, I found myself the victim of the best New York dry humor I've ever heard. Frank, Joe D, and Paul pretty much tore me a new asshole but I dealt my share of zingers, so it was all in good fun. I gathered some great wisdom and advice along the way while making a strong impression on them all.
After that, Jeff, Ovi, and I did the only tourist activity of the whole trip: visit Pico Avila by way of the teleferico. At 2000m or approximately 6000ft above sea level, the view of Caracas was awesome.
On the return trip to the hotel we took a pit stop en la Plaza Venezuela to try--what according to our driver, Castor-- where the best hambugers in world...Me meti 'La Criminal' which carried an egg and an avocado as key ingredients...tasty on the way in but painful on the way out. The right choice woulda been: 'Damelo pa pola manana!'
The wedding itself took place at 9pm and lasted through the night...til 6am I believe...yeah, that's a party alright...the pictures to follow say it all. The formal ceremony took place in New York so the purpose of this party was simply to celebrate...NICE!!
Drinks were in full effect, although I never got faded. Why? Cuz of all the dancing!! For real, there were like 5 live band acts, and all of them were GOOD! The night began with a solo Jazz musician, then an Elvis act, followed by La Hora Loca with the Carnaval theme, later a Salsa/Merengue group that I coulda swore was Oscar de Leon, Gilberto Santarosa, and Marc Anthony all rolled into one by the close imitation of all three.
The grand finale left nothing to be desired: Tambores. Yup, the ritualistic Venezuelan high-energy folkore dance and rythm common to the coastal towns. The MC captured the audience's attention with his clever commentary and typical Venezuelan humor...he challenged the bride and groom with following his quick commands that bounced at the beat of the drum. Tuku-ruku-TA!! He would say as he swayed his finger, indicating what thier hips should be doing... it was a blast indeed.
Y pa los que pregunten a que se refiere el titulo: "Palo de Agua"... es porque le caemos a TODAS!! JA!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Gran Melia y San Ignacio

Our driver, Castor, was passionate to share his view of Venezuela and current government. An older gentleman, proly in his 50's with dirty gray hair and blood shot eyes, went on and on about the failures of the Chavez leadership.
A city plagued with crime, a 40% unemployment rate, and a transportation infrastructure that frankly is a mild step up from mideval times, Caracas has really suffered the decay of an ignorant, absent minded, and unproductive government. I could go on for paragraphs about my ever changing perception of Venezuela's reality and the options left to correct it, but in interest of the brevity I shall digress.
Once we settled in to our 3 bedroom suite at the Gran Melia 5 star hotel *SWEET*... we took the time to get to know the surroundings...mainly the hotel, pool, gym, and attached mall "El Recreo".
We hit up a sports bar for dinner and caught the US vs. Venezuela soccer game. A 2-0 loss to the US was not what the crowd was looking for, so we tried to keep our "gringo-ness" to a minimum.
Later that evening we met up with the wedding crew for a little dancing at the San Ignacio complex in El Chacao. It seemed to be the safest choice...we had a blast.
I don't know why but for some reason I was in the mood for making faces in all these party pics...see if you can find me in the one above...HA!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Wowi visits Venezuela

So far it has been just that, and we haven't even gotten there yet. We arrived at the airport on time (out of character for me but Wowi wouldn't have it any other way) to find that the flight was delayed by a plane malfunction...three hours later they get us another BRAND NEW plane, a Boeing 767-P to be exact.
Whatever, right? Well turns out that in the switch MY seat was eliminated and I was bumped to Business know how people say that Business class on foreign airlines is like First class on american ones? uhhh, hell yeah!! And being the true homie that I am, I rose up to pull Lil Wowi up with was a bit of a challenge to swing Jeff up as well but I'll get'm next time...At any rate...Gadang, we were balling it up!!! Drinks, confort, and technology...this is bliss...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
White Hot!!
My friend Katie invited me to a Maimi Heat Playoff game against the Chicago was a tough game but we (the Heat that is) emerged victorious...I'm wearing a white pom-pom on my head that they gave out to support the White Hot marketing was cool to see the whole arena covered in white!!!
One cool effect in the game that caught my attention was how they chose to pass out the free White Hot T-shirts...they parachuted them down from the rafters...I took a pitcure of it and indicated the parachutes with some red circles below...