A friend once dropped it like this: "You're car is sooooo Dirty, casi llega'a Forty!!" That was after being challenged on the spot to deliver a funny comment regarding Miriam Febus' guagua at the time. Rod, thanks for passing that test with flying colors...only one of your dozens of accolades and still counting. And so I have titled this blog as "Life after Dirty" or as you may have understood from the joke "Life after Thirty"...That's right folks, I'm 31 years old and have decided to jump on the blog bandwagon...my life has taken several turns over the years and I have formed a network of people that care about me all over the world...for that reason, I'm sharing my life for all of you to follow, comment on, and possibly guide if you care to take that chance. Like a new friend once put it simply, "It's not the destination, but the journey that makes it worth it..." NOTE: The pic included here took place in Venice, Italy soon after my 30th birthday. It was a big challenge since it was my first trip to Europe and I was traveling alone. I had the best time and discovered a lot about myself...check out all the pics at http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=vcbcvnp.43mxlgrt&x=0&y=1vyhyf
1 comment:
Life's speedbumps? or VIP Pass?
Quick recap of life's little events:
1. Still suffering from severe sinus infection caused by a rootcanal gone bad...
2. Motorcycle accident caused by commuting on the 405... 2 weeks before moving closer to work
3. I.D. theft. Have had over $1K taken out of my bank account...
4. Car accident the weekend of Thanksgiving. The guy ran a redlight and TOTALLED the M3.
Quick recap of how great life is:
1. Sinus infection showed that I can take pain and I, also, learned to forgive.
2. Moto accident showed how tough I am physically, but also how I need to be more careful. I was very fortunate to walk away alive and be able to travel to Europe with my good bud Grundita.
3. I.D. theft made me more careful with my paperwork and doing stuff online... And instilled more patience. I can still pay rent and eat.
4. Car accident... You can replace a car, but you can't replace a person. I'm happy to be able to live another day, even if it is in another car. :) I will still be able to visit my family for the holidays and go to Europe with, you guessed it, my bud Richardo!
Life is beautiful no matter what.
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