Edinburgh, Scotland...what an awesome city. Filled with feudal history and architecture, it's a wonderland for anyone who was inspired by the stories of King Arthur, William Walace, or Rob Roy. We arrived during the day to a massive city buzzing with crazy traffic and bus only streets. Compounded with driving on the left side and being completely lost, it made for apretty stressful time. Eventually with the help of some fine samaritans we found are way and settled in to a sizable apartment close to the downtown. We picked up some groceries, ate'm up, took a nap, and rolled out to catch Edinburgh by night. The first interesting encounter of the evening were two obviously intoxicated ladies lying on the sidewalk laughing histerically. Well dressed and coherent, one asked a passerby for help to get up while the other picked herself up with the side rail. We had a beer at acloseby bar and then bounced over to the night club Espionage to get jiggy with it. Made up of five floors underground, we were happy to find a good crowd in the last dungeon floor. Upon leaving at closing time (3am) we found ourselves in the middle of a full snowfall...which instigated a healthy snowball fight amongst strangers. That was a fun experience.

Take yourself back to the medieval times with Edinburgh castle. Wow! what a point of interest. It stands high above the city center it on the crest of an extinct volcano. At about £12/person, I was doubtful of the exhibitions' worth. I was pleasantly surprised, however, with no need for the audio guide. The 3 hours we were there were not enough to study all the displays but we took many pictures to capture its greatness. Since most of the castle viewing was outside, the bitter cold and snowy wind took a toll on our body temperatures. We took refuge in one of the worlds' oldest department stores, Jenners. Parking ourselves at the wiskey tasting counter, we learned the heating powers of aged drink along with the details of its laborious fabrication. We left happy as ever to return to the apartment for some tasty lamb roast prepared by Tia Susana and Mami. A full coarse meal indeed, we turned in early for the break of dawn rise to travel to Ireland... Saint Patty's Day, baby!
Again if you wanna send me a note, hit me back at richard.grundy@gmail.com!
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