Friday, December 02, 2005

Farewell to Motorola AST team members

Today we bid farewell to three engineers on the team. Namely Julio Sanchez, Santi Dash, and Jason Rapps. They are all going to the MotoMesh in Maitland, FL. The site is located right outside of Orlando and has been attracting a lot of attention within Motorola. Mainly because the MotoMesh solution is the flagship wideband self-healing network solution that the Government and Enterprise Group has. Julio and Santi will stay there indefinitely but Jason is due to return 2 years from now...he's in a bomb diggity rotation program code-named "the BLDP". I found out today from him that it is more of a disorganized lump of opportunities than a formalized program...BTW, I was nominated for this program a few months ago as well, but was denied because they found me to be "arrogant" I sound arrogant to you? Yeah, well the news wasn't the highlight of my career lemme tell you. I'm over it though, pumped these days to rise to a personal challenge of innovation...let's see what the "Dirty" years have in store for me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What up Big Rich! Newest addition to your blog, Big Dan in the house! Tks for hooking up the internet at home, now I'm permanetly jacking the internet from my neighbor...hahaha! Valeu!

Dude, Moto will never know what they passed up. Arrogant? Far from it man, maybe confident but there's a fine line b/t all that! I think all your fellas will say the same, you'll do anything for your boys at anytime!

To sum Big Rich up, he's all about the hookups. You hook me up, I'll hook you up....and so is life! Give and take!

Tks for coming by the other night to give me a great chupita seu viado!

Voce sempre sera um irmao meu!

Daniel Fudido